The LifePower Institute
“Our mission is to help you gain LifePower in all areas of life. To help you find yourself, your purpose and calling in life and/or business, grow in health, faith and creativity.”
Lena jo, the CEO and Founder of ‘The LifePower Institute’, is an inspiration to all aspiring entrepreneurs those who have dreams in eyes, have potential to make a difference and daring enough to mould their fate as per their choices. Women entrepreneurs of the 21st century are the women going all the way to prove her true potential and capabilities. They are all in the process of making the world aware of what real feminism entail.
Here, on the table of The Success Talks, we got an opportunity to interview Lena Jo, a woman – bubble of energy, maestro of creativity and full of life. She has been working tirelessly to bring positivity in the lives of others with her years of experience as a certified life coach. Lena is an accomplished leader, worked in diverse profiles with a commitment to make the world a better place to live!
All beans in a single cup
In conversation with Lena Jo, we asked her briefly about her company, why it was created, what services it provides and the sort of domains it is concerned with? Lena responded, “Originally, I was a physiotherapist and started as a consultant for traumatically brain injured persons, where I was responsible for their rehabilitation after the hospital and where I educated their staff and family. After a car accident 2003 I re-educated myself to become a pastor, coach and a family therapist and continued my business as a faith based, gender intelligence, Life, Business, Family and Health Coach.
I include all my skills under one umbrella. I put all this together; Faith, Science and Creativity.” It is really fulfilling to work with health prevention, both psychologically and physically.
I feel really happy when young people decide to seek my help.
“How good is it not to get rid of the backpack of disappointment and abuse in early age and be able to live the rest of your life with out that burden.”
“And with my professional help lay the path for the future. To see my clients dreams come through really makes me happy.”
Her company stands on the foundation of Biblical truth, “Because my company is grounded in the Christian faith I also have the advantage of praying for my clients. Where I, with my own knowledge, can not help, God often show me new insights and ideas on how to help my clients. It is good to have someone greater than yourself in your team, and who knows my clients better than the creator himself?” she remarked.
After her accident, she got very little help from healthcare system so she started working on herself by her own. She was a physiotherapist and through that experience she started making paintings which worked as a healing therapy. The magical watercolors filled her gloomy days with optimism, postivity and warmth. It made it possible for her to bring her LifePower back.

Presently, her company provides coaching depending majorly on 4 pillars- 1. LifePower Life, Family & Business Coaching 2. LifePower Health coaching 3. LifePower Faith Coaching 4. LifePower Arts. It’s a perfect blend and one-stop solution. All courses and mentorship programs are enlightening and available in both off line and on line mode.
Finding Your Call Is Important
When asked Lena Jo, about the importance of purpose in life, she answered gently, “For me it is very important. I always try to find a purpose or find my purpose in what I am doing and help other find their purpose. If I find no purpose in what I am doing, I change direction and find another way that is more fulfilling. I believe that every person is here on earth for a reason and purpose and it is our mission to find out what our calling is. Why am I here? What can I do for humanity, my country, my city or my family… or even myself? How can I make the world a better place for someone else?”
“Sometimes it can be that you just give a smile to another person and for someone else it can be to develop a medicine that saves a whole population. But everything is important, it doesn’t have to be the huge things that changes the world for another person in your surrounding it can be just something you do in your every day life. For me personally my faith in a loving God who believes in me, even when I doubt myself has been a great comfort and inspiration in my life and in what I do.” she further added.
A Long Road to Walk
“I think that women are daring stepping out in their female power in a new way and taking their legitimate position beside the man in leadership as a female.”
As Lena Jo, is a leading woman entrepreneur, showing excellency in bringing people out from despair. While questioning to Lena Jo, What is the position of women in this highly globalised world? She affirmed, “I think that every woman has to work hard for her position, as do every man, but perhaps we have to work a little bit harder. We have to prove that it is worth working with us even if we take maternity leave and has to juggle both family life and business. But with the digital tools we have now, it is becoming easier.”
“When God created humankind he made them to his likeness, as man and woman he created them and both are needed to mirror God in this world. Our brains are build up differently and we have different hormones and all that gives us different abilities and different ways of making decisions and leading our team. We need both to gain the optimal results.” She firmly emphasised.
She exclaimed (in a bold voice), “It has always been a fight between good and evil in the world and one of the evil things has been not to empower women together with men.”
An Advice to the Young Flyers
We urged Lena Jo, to share some advice or words of wisdom to the young aspiring entrepreneurs those dare to dream and ready to sweat hard on the ground. Lena eagerly pronounced, “Go for it! Prepare yourself, build yourself up with personal development teachings, contact people who have reach what you want to reach and learn from them as a physical mentor or reading their books and listening to their teachings. Network with others; Cooperation, not competition is the name of the game.”
“It is nothing more fulfilling than to be able to help a person find their path in life, and see them succeed.”
Lena Jo stressed, “Do not let your business overtake your life. Do not compromise with your values. Always put the family first. Many people who have hunted for success has lost their families on the way. And often the wellbeing of the family was the reason they started looking for success. Use every experience in your life which made you grow as a person both good and the more challenging one in helping others and your self.”
“Show your vulnerability to the world, it gives you more credibility and makes you more trustworthy. No one likes and trust a person who is fully perfect.”
Evaluating Success as a Life Coach
There are different meanings of success for different opinionated person. It was our eagerness to ask Lena Jo, how she evaluates success? Is success a materialistic phenomenon? If not, then what is true success for her as a Life Coach?
She responded (with a calm smile), “When I see the look on the face of my clients change from despair to self-confidence, when I see their eyes starting to glow with passion and LifePower and hope for the future, when I see families find ways to handle crises and build up a loving relationship again or to find peace with God, that is success for me.”
Challenge and Dealings
When asking about to share any matter that demands her high attention, Lena shared a challenge she faces as a life coach. She said, “If my client has a whole other worldview and other life values than me it is not always easy to be supportive, but my work is to help my client to find his or her solution for the problem, help him or her to dig in to their inner place and find what they really want and need and how to make it a reality for them. It is not about me or my values it is about them.”
On emphasizing more on how she deals with it, she clarified, “As I am a Christian faith based coach, my clients know that we are counseling from biblical principles to find answers for everyday life in the 2000 century. That is the core in all my work. I think that my genuine interest in my fellowman shines through.”
What Next to Expect?
“I have worked locally in Sweden for almost 30 years and now I want to go global and bless the world with all the time, money and effort that I have invested in my knowledge. With digital technic that is much easier now than 30 years ago. But I also plan on travel and do more public speaking from the physical stages around the globe. Next year for example I am going to the Global Woman Summit as a solo speaker the plan is that it will be in Manilla on the Philippines. That will really means traveling to the other side of the world.”
So here we come to an end of our episode with the amazing human Lena Jo, who sees life with more humanistic approach which makes it more natural and authentic. We, the Team of The Success Talks, congratulate her to come so far and making the world a better place to live for all of us. We thank Lena Jo for her valuable time and wishing her best of luck for the future endeavors.
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